giantoro, Phone : 0811145401, Location : tangerang.
Date : 22 October 2010
OLI DELTALUBE wilayah JABODETABEK, Hubungi : Giantoro email: giantoro@yahoo. com atau hp 0811145401 or088801074508. Keunggulan2 oli DELTALUBE :1. Lifetime lebih lama. 2. Mesin dingin dan mudah start3. Suara mesin halus. 4. Tarikan ringan5. Oil Film lebih kuat. 6. Hemat biaya maintenance kendaraanKemasan : Liter, Galon (5 liter) , Peal (20 liter) dan DRUM (200 liter). DELTALUBE 731 SUPER ENGINE OIL Rp. 55.000 / liter (Bensin & diesel) : SAE 20W50, API service SJ/CH, Lifetime : 13.000 km - Tersedia juga untuk mesin industri / pabrik.
Honda WEAR, tangerang
Price : Rp. -1.00 mil.
Item : Motor : Honda PAKAI.
Seller :Contact : giantoro, 0811145401, tangerang..
OIL DELTALUBE Greater Jakarta area, Contact: Giantoro email: giantoro @ yahoo. com or 0811145401 or088801074508 hp. Keunggulan2 oil DELTALUBE: 1. Lifetime longer. 2. Cold engine and easy start3. Refined engine sound. 4. Ringan5 attraction. Oil film more powerful. 6. Cost-effective maintenance kendaraanKemasan: Liter, Galon (5 liters), Peal (20 liters) and Drum (200 liters). SUPER ENGINE OIL DELTALUBE 731 USD. 19 000 / liter (gasoline & diesel): SAE 20W50, API service SJ / CH, Lifetime: 13,000 km - Available also for industrial machinery / plant.
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