Friday, November 5, 2010

mobil Honda Accord 2005

Motor : .Rp. 220 jt

Date : 20 May 2020

20 May 2010 Honda Accord 2005 Warna Hitam Metalik Harga: 220 juta Lokasi: surabaya Keterangan: Warna : Hitam Metalik cc : 2400 cc Kondisi : istimewa kilometer : 49.700 Pajak Baru. lokasi : Waru - Sidoarjo (dekat dengan Juanda Baru) Keterangan : CD changer 6 disc, Ac digital, bisa mode cruise (semi matic), seat driver electric, semua masih berfungsi dengan baik. tidak ada baret. service bengkel resmi. Bagi yang berminat, hubungi Rama (081703012699 - 085730125699) hub: Ramadhan rama_starlight@yahoo. co. uk 085730125699.

English Translation »

Honda Accord 2005

Price : Rp. 220.00 mil.
Item : Motor : Honda Accord– 2005.
Seller :

20 May 2010 Honda Accord 2005 Colour Metallic Black Price: 220 million Location: surabaya Description: Color: Black Metallic cc: 2400 cc Condition: excellent kilometers: 19 700 New Taxes. location: Waru - Sidoarjo (close to New Juanda) Description: 6 disc CD changer, digital AC, can cruise mode (semi-matic), electric drivers seat, all still functioning properly. no beret. authorized service workshop. For those interested, contact Rama (081703012699 - 085730125699) hub: Ramadan rama_starlight @ yahoo. co. uk 085 730 125 699.

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When found an interesting ad

  1. When you found an ad you may like don't rush in to contact the seller. Before doing so gather more ads with same attributes (Honda car model, year of fabrication, location, etc), then compare each attribute (not just price) with other ads you'd gathered. Be sure that the used Honda car you are going to buy is the most suited your needs and budget.
  2. Make sure that the ad you're interested in is not a scam or some kind of a fraud. Check the contained information with in the ad. It is safer for you to consult the people that know information (general or technical) regarding the honda model you are going to buy.
  3. Make appointment to meet the seller in public place. Check item's condition throughly, validate item's paper to local authority.